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Eile sõber suutis õlle ümber ajada... minu mega auru masin jäi mahlade sisse hetkeks,, korra võttisis kayfuni lurisema mõtlesin ok mis seal ikka puhume kuivaks ja elu läheb edasi. Aga ei läinud ... see õlu oli roomanud coilini ja see mis maitse sealt tuli oli rohkem kui pupu ,,,, ja ära ka ei läinud .... loodan et nyyd uued vatiga saab asi korda.
Selle asja ajamine on meil täitsa soiku jäänud ... Unep kas annab sul teemat üles soendada?
http://joker.org/ päris hea paned torrent lingi sisse ja hakkad vaatama
Kirjutasin Spezzil müügil olnud Wotofo ZNA 30 kohta ülevaate. Kuna mul ülevaadete teemaline eraldi leht aja puuduse tõttu venib ja Spezz võttis toote müügist maha ... panen ülevaate foorumisse lugemiseks.
ZNA30 kiibi vahetus, paneme asemele DNA40 kiibi
topic vastas old's Spezz teemas Õpetused / TSI(Tee-See-Ise)
Saab kui EU/muu maailma versioon tuleb aga sinna pidi aega minema. -
Käes alles jõulu hulluse algus ja omnival juba juhe koos. Masendav.
hmm ma arvan, et see sobiks häst zna30 otsa millel dna40 kiip ... ja kaks N200 coili sees.
heh Tartlaste huvi tundub isegi suurem aga tlna vedamine on ikka küsitav. Kui saate tlnas tehtud siis proovime Tartus ka ühe teha.
Wouu YiHi SX350 V250 new chip Release Date: Dec,2014 Color Screen TFT 2.8〞 3.5〞 4.3〞selectable Variable Joule, heat controllable, Temperature controllable. Perfect experience mode. Super power, Maximum 250W, still upgradable Touch Sensor Bluetooth 0.05ohm -3.0 ohm DC-DC 1.0V-12.0V Software upgrade/GUI operate Andmed päris head.. aga välja tuleb detsembris
Peak, mean, teak, geek või RMS ... mis seal vahet kui 99% tootjatest kasutavad ühte moodust ja 1% kasutab teist mis ei ühildu enamusega.... siis kasutaja jaoks on see halb. Tema paneb oma harjunud watid kella peale ja mats asi kõrbeb. Loomulikult saab tagasi keerat ja õigeks timmida aga asja point on see, et kasutaja võib see tõttu saada halva kogemuse osaliseks ja ongi kõik. Aga see mööda mõõtmine on nüüd teada ja minu arvates see ei ole kindlasti põhjus miks asi ostmata jätta. Aku vastupidavust ja suurust ikkagi kiidetakse.
ok ma lähen nüüd nurka ja häbenen natuke
Uff ma sulle ammu kirjutasin ka ... editori all peaks olema pildi lisamise väljad .... a mida mul pole on need väljad
ZNA30 kiibi vahetus, paneme asemele DNA40 kiibi
topic vastas old's Spezz teemas Õpetused / TSI(Tee-See-Ise)
Lahendused: kuum liim, kuum liim ja kuum liim -
Niipalju kui mina olen aru saanud on kõik nikel traadid mürgised kui neid väga kõrge temperatuurini kuumutuda. DNA40 aga ei kuumuta üle ~600-650F ... selles ongi kogu asja idee. See kas digitalsteam lehel on sama traat või mitte seda ma ei tea ... Spezz otsis välja TÄPSELT selle traadi mida evolv soovitab.
Ehh mul ei ole isegi seda pildi lisamise kohta
Vabandust, et inglise keeles aga oluline info: James M (FB kasutaja), This is a repost of some information you may find informative. Hi, Off the back of your announcement today of the new DNA 40 board and it's ability to control the temperature of a nickel coil, there has been much concern on vaping forums about the use of nickel wire as a coil. Here is an exert of some of the comments: "Bad, bad idea. Look up the toxicology of nickel and ask if you want to heat that and inhale the result. I won't. " "Nickel is relatively chemically unreactive to some things, but not to others. It reacts very rapidly with carbon monoxide. And nickel carbonyl is really evil crap. And heating any organic flavour is going to resul in some carbon monoxide production. " "So in your opinion using nickel or nichrome as heating wire for vaping is dangerous? I don't know enough about it to judge if you're right or wrong. I hope you're wrong because I think this about to be the next big thing in vaping. This technology is going to start popping up in mass market devices very soon and some premade atties are going to come with nickel rather than nichrome. " Are you able to allay any of these concerns over using nickel wire? Is there a specific type or grade of nickel we use? Does nickel wire pose any more harm than Kanthal A1? Kind regards Our (Evolv) response: We agree Nickel Carbonyl is truly evil crap. Fortunately, there isn't any here. Point 1: We aren't generating carbon monoxide. The whole point of temperature protection is to, well, protect from elevated temperatures. Heating doesn't generate carbon monoxide. You have to be getting combustion or pyrolysis. And you have to be combusting in a fuel-rich (less oxygen that stoichiometric) environment. Like a cigarette. We never get anywhere near combustion temperature, and even if we did (say, one turned the temperature limit up to 2000 degrees) the environment in an atomizer is oxygen rich, not fuel rich. So you would get carbon dioxide, not monoxide. To get pyrolytic decomposition of the fluid into carbon monoxide and hydrogen, we would want a coil temperature of about 1500F and you'd need to have it sealed off from air completely. Point 2: If this was a problem, we would have already seen it. The Mond process you describe (nickel ore to nickel carbonyl to nickel metal) is how one refines nickel from ore. The commercial coils are already 80% nickel and run at higher temperatures when they dry out. If we were getting nickel carbonyl production, that would refine the nickel out and we would end up with a porous wire with only 20% chromium left. That's not what happens. Point 3: Given that all the real research, vapor analysis and long term studies that have been done to this point have been done with commercial cigalikes, all of which use nichrome coils (80% nickel and not at all protected from overheating) if there was a substance as toxic as nickel carbonyl in the vapor, the anti-ecig forces would be screaming that from every rooftop. Nobody has found any, even in devices that aren't temperature controlled. One study did find some metallic nickel and metallic chromium from pitting in the vapor steam, so they were obviously looking for metallic compounds. I'm attaching the Goniewicz research paper which is one often cited by those on both sides of the e-cigarette safety debate. The study looked at products using nichrome heating coils. And yes, they measured nickel. The study also looked for carbon monoxide in the vapor stream and found none. Zero. The following excerpt is from the study: "The amounts of toxic metals and aldehydes in e-cigarettes are trace amounts and are comparable with amounts contained in an examined therapeutic product." Dr. Michael Siegel said of the Goniewicz paper: "The most important finding in this study (that the authors failed to acknowledge) was that all of the trace levels of metals they found in e-cigarette aerosol were within permissible exposure limits for FDA approved inhalable drugs and devices (e.g. nicotine inhaler, asthma inhalers) per Pharmacopeial Convention." Basically it boils down to anything a Nickel 200 coil would do, a nichrome coil would already be doing (and worse due to higher temperatures) and nichrome coils are the only ones that have been studied in any meaningful detail by the real scientists, labs and MDs. What Kanthal is or is not doing, we cannot say as we haven't really studied it. What is a problem with the commercially available nickel 200 wire is they use a particularly nasty tasting oil in the drawing process. So if you roll a new coil without degreasing the wire first, you initially get a nasty taste from that oil. A good washing with acetone or simple green, followed by rinsing in water, solves that problem. But that is something to point out if people are reporting weird chemical tastes when they first try it. Thanks, Brandon Evolv, LLC See on küll The Squape Reloaded ülevaade ... AGA näitab ka DNA40 peale nickle traadiga tehtud coili ... ehitust ja tulemust.
PBusardo ülevaade. See, et hitib hästi sellel on siis ka põhjus ... ehk siis annab rohkem matsu välja kui ekraanil kirjas. A muidu tundub selline hea samm ego aku pealt edasi.
Siis mingi erand ... ma arvan et ca 20tk neid kallimaid FT omasid minu käest läbi käinud ja kõik on probleemi vabad olnud. Ühel pin kruvi käis natuke raskelt alguses.
2nädalat mis versioon? Mul neid mitu tk olnud sõppradel ka kõigil nemesised.... 6kuu-1a pole ühtegi probleemi olnud. Aga need ei ole need kõige odavamad hiinakad
Keermeteip peab olema sellisel juhul selline mis voolu juhib. Fooluim on hea tihendaja ... paigal ei seisa kui päris lahti keerata aga regullimise võimalus jääb.. akut saad ka kesmisest liitmikust vahetada.
See nädal tulid kaks suurt vapimise maailma muutvat toodet/uudist välja ... USA's DNA40 mis suudab mõõta coili temperatuuri ja SkySmoke eGo-AIR kus saab kontrollida automizerisse minevat õhu voolu ja topelt kiiresti akut laadida kasutades Itaalisat pärit uuenduslliku “PUFFSTATION” tehnoloogiat. Kui eGo-AIR eel tellimused on lõppenud ootaks kõikide uue tehnoloogia kasutajate käest tagasi sidet. Selleks, et teemas ei läheks niisama haukumiseks paluvad foorumi vanimad olijad kommenteerida ainult neil kes on uue ja väga innovatiivse SkySmoke seadmega kokku puutunud. Linnk uue tehnoloogiaga seadmele on siin: http://skysmoke.eu/en/skysmoke-ego-air.html
No ennem ei lähe kui DNA40 olemas kellegil ... eks näis kuida selle saadavus saab alguses olema. Aga pea siis meeles, et ütled, et seda traati aint selle kiibiga hetkel võib kasutada.