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Torkas silma, et mind on profiili juures täiendava "0 hoiatus punkti" reaga meeles peetud. Mida see peaks tähendama? PS hoiatuspunkt on üks sõna Edit: sain pihta, et see inf kuvatakse ainult mulle ja sisselogituna -
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Peaksid teadma küll palju kollast ajakirjandust tõe pähe võtta võib Euroopa Komisjon ei hakka midagi otsustama vaid 19. mail 2014 jõustub uus tubakatoodete direktiiv, mis tuleb liikmesriikidel kahe aasta jooksul üle võtta. http://ec.europa.eu/health/tobacco/prod ... dex_en.htm
Reporter tegi reidi Tallinna koolides, kus lapsed avameelselt tunnistasid, et e-sigaretid on nende koolikotis sama tähtsal kohal kui pastapliiats. http://www.reporter.ee/2014/05/07/uurin ... pulaarsed/ Järjekordne
Üks huvitav tähelepanek Cola maitsega. Nimelt tilgutasin Cola maitse Balanced baasi sisse ja kui hiljem Misti juurde panin muutus kogu kraam piimjaks nagu kehvemat sorti samagon Nähtavasti põhjus selles, et maitse happeline ja Mist sisaldab vett - tulnuks tilgutada maitse kohe Misti sisse ehk hape vette ja siis Balanced otsa....
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Otse ei maksta, maksed käivad Ülemaailmse Postiliidu kaudu, kus tehakse riikidevahelised tasaarveldused ja siis lõppmaksed riikidele.
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Ja ta tõesti aitab...
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Sama siin. Viimase koni kustutasin kui esimene aku laetud sai -
Oomipoest saab ka 200tk kaupa http://www.oomipood.ee/product/tme_b1.6 ... -din-7985a Elfast jälle roostevaba, aga 1mm pikem ja 1tk kaupa https://www.elfa.se/elfa3~ee_et/elfa/in ... &toc=20903
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Kui see oli makstud reklaamtekst, siis veebist muidugi ei leia. Küll aga ei saa aru väitest Eelnõu ia selle seletuskiri on siin http://www.koda.ee/ettevotjate-esindami ... /?id=22004ja kusagil pole mainitud, et e-vedelik muudetakse tubakatooteks/aktsiisikaubaks. Vähemalt 01.01.2015 jõustuv muudatus seda ette ei näe. Tulevikus ehk 2a jooksul tuleb aga seadusandlus EL tubakadirektiiviga vastavusse viia ja siis küll saab kuni 20mg nikovedelikust tubakatoode ja (piiriülene) postimüügi lubamine on iga riigi otsustada. Lisaks veel, et pudeli max suurus võib olla 10ml ning üle 20mg/ml vedelikud jäävad ravimiteks (nagu praegugi...)
Väike maitsete lahtiseletus, ehk on abiks Flavor Atmos Lab (10ml) Tobacco Flavors: Arginio- Arginio is a classic, mild Virginia tobacco flavour. Delicate, sweet and quite fresh. Apache- Apache is an authentic tobacco flavour, very close to real cigarette, it gives a wonderful . aftertaste. Quite dry. Barbara- Barbara is a mild, aromatic tobacco flavour with a little sweet aftertaste. Quite dry. Camila- Camilia is an authentic tobacco flavour, with a mild aromatic taste and really long lasting aftertaste. Fotia- (english: “Fire”) This is the strongest chili tobacco flavour which ever made. Spicy and pungent. Gina- Gina is a strong authentic Virginia tobacco flavour, full of taste. Time of aftertaste is really long. A flavor is quite dry. Habana- Haban is an original mild cuban cigar flavour, it has a gentle aromatic notes and a bit of vanilla-alike aftertaste. A tobacco is quite wet, little sweet. Kapnos- (english:” Tobacco” ) Kapnos is a tobacco flavour very close to the rolling cigarettes tobacco smell. Quite delicate. Livani- Liviani is a strong, characteristic tobacco flavour. Dark tobacco having the spirit of heavy aromatic molecules. Maxxx- Maxxx is the herbal tobacco flavour. Quite consummate. Aftertaste little similar to nut. Nutacco- Nutacco is a strong fantastic tobacco flavour, full of taste which has a long time of aftertaste of roaded nuts. Dry. RY69- RY69 gives the real cigarette feeling. Smooth flavour, clear and strong aromatic notes. Delicate and not so sweet. Fruit Flavors: Banana- Banana flavour has a distinct aroma of fresh-cut banana fruit. A taste is really palpale. Not so sweet. Blackberry- Blackberry flavour gives the real wild blackberry aroma to your eliquids. The flavour is pure and really palpable. Blue Raspberry- Blue Raspberry is a great mix of blueberries and raspberries. The flavour leaves a mild aftertaste. Cherry- Cherry flavour has the authentic red cherry aroma. Really pleasant flavour, little sweet. Chestnut- Chestnut flavour has the warm, full aromatic flavour of the real fruit. Wide and pleasant. The aftertaste is really long. Coconut- Coconut flavour gives really clear taste. The tropical fruit in a gentle and distinct version. Little sweet, pleasant. Green Apple- Green Apple tastes like fresh cut green apple. The flavour is simultaneously sour and a little sweet. Lime- Lime flavour is bold, pure and a little sour. This is essential component of many fresh liquids. Mandarine- Mandarine flavour has a distinct aroma of fresh-cut mandarine fruit. Sweet, fresh and realistic aroma. Mango- Mango flavour brigns the perfect taste of the ripe tropical fruit to you. Mild flavour, outstanding accuracy to a real, ripe mango. Excellent aftertaste, sweet and fresh. Mastic- Mastic is one of the greek characteristic flavours, due to Mastic trees grown in island of Chios, in Aegean Sea. Palpable herbs. Melon- Melon flavour is the exciting sweet, honeydew flavour of the real fruit. Fresh-cut, ripe melon flavour for your vaping creations. Mint- Mint flavour is the ultimate refreshing synonym ever. Mint is really strong aroma. Leaves really long time of aftertaste. Nocciola- Nocciola flavour combines roasted and raw hazelnut in a curious mix. Little sweet. Orange- Orange flavour has the sweet citrus taste of ripe oranges. Little first. Peach - Strength aroma of fresh peach. Peppermint- Peppermint is a smooth and pleasant flavour. Really fresh. Pineapple- Pineapple is sweet and fresh, pure aroma of the real fruit. Pistachio- Pistachio is inspired by the world famous pistachio. Great to mix with tobacco flavours. A different version of Nutacco. Red apple- Red Apple is the flavour of ripe red apples. The flavour is mild and fresh. Rodi- (english:” Pomegrante”) Rodi is a mild and fresh flavour. The great component for fruit and alcohol liquids. Strawberry- A strong and pure aroma of sweet strawberries. Tamarin- Tamarin flavour is an unique flavour came from Thai traditional cuisine. Simultaneously sweet and sour. Some part of vapers feel there herbals. Vanilla- Pure and quite sweet flavour. Watermelon- Watermelon is a sweet and fresh flavour. Sweet & Drinks Flavors: Biskoto- Biskoto it is mix cakes with biscuits. A sweet aftertaste. Black chocolate- Really sweet chocolate flavour. Little dry. Cacao- Mild aroma, wide aromatic notes and pleasant aftertaste. Cacao is a great combined with other cream-based or tobacco flavours giving interesting results. Canela- (english:”cinnamon”) Canela is mild and quite dry flavour. Capuccino- Cappucino flavour is coffee and gentle milk cream, little sweet. Carabela- Tastes like a caramel with toffee. Sweet and pleasant but not luscious. Caramela- (english:”caramel”) Mild and sweet flavour, distinct aromatic notes for butter and caramel which make a very tasty combination in eliquids. Chocolate Elegant- Chocolate Elegant is the elegant version of chocolate flavours by Atmos Lab. This smooth flavour gives the semisweet, desireable chocolate, having detailed aromatic notes for your vape. An aftertaste is really long. Chocolate Premium- Tasteful chocolate, a bit creamy, full of cocoa and sweetness. Cinnamon Cookies- A mild cinnamon aroma inside, little sugar. Coffee- Really distinct taste and mild aftertaste. Coca Cola- Tastes like original coca-cola, not so sweet. Cream Brulee- It is a mix of vanilla and caramel. A sweet flavour. Cream- Tastes like an ice cream. Quite sweet. Green Tea- Really fresh flavour. Honey Moon- Really sweet and quite strong flavour. Kaimaki- Traditional Greek dessert. Pleasant sweet and little milk flavour. Lemonade- Really fresh flavour with lemon taste. Lukumi- Tastes like a wild rose. Little sweet. Macchiato- Machiatto refers to espresso being stained with a small amount of milk foam. Not as intense as an espresso, as it has a small amount of milk flavour to cut the acidity. A mild aftertaste. Milk Biscuit- A true Classic Milk Buscuit. Sweet aftertaste. Ouzo- Fresh and clear flavour. Taste like a real Ouzo. Tea Jasmin- Really delicate flavour. Not sweet, balanced. Tea Lemon- Fresh, pronounced and balanced flavour. Tea and lemon in equal measure. Quite long time of aftertaste. Tea Peach- Its not sweet at all and has a nice delicate aroma with a peach taste that comes through subtly without any of the chemical or perfumed aftertaste. Tiramisu- Sweet flavour which has really long time of mild aftertaste. Waffle- Waffle is a base-flavour . You can add it for banana and chocolate or red apple and caramel. For some vapers it is good to use it as a neutral flavour, alternative of vaping pure base. In taste like real Waffle. A mild aftertaste. Whiskey 18 Years Old- Whiskey 18 Years Old is the flavour for an old, matured slowly in wooden barels whiskey. Realistic taste of Whiskey. Zabaglione- Sweet flavour which has a mild aftertaste.
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Sain osalemiskutse vist viimasel päeval. Mäletan, et oli suur suvi ja hirmus kiire ja mingil põhjusel pidin täitma venekeelset ankeeti...
Osalesin selles teadusuuringus ja loomulikult annaksin samadele küsimustele uuesti samad vastused. Muuseas, uuring ei olnud anonüümne