Levia.ee 60 Postitatud Aprill 15, 2018 This short animated film explores the headlines and the evidence on the health effects of secondhand vapour. This is the last in a series of films supported by Public Health England and produced in partnership with the New Nicotine Alliance. K. Farsalinos:"This is how the UK perceives tobacco harm reduction...". 4 kivi3, e-kodanik, raigo83 and 1 other reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
raigo83 67 Postitatud Aprill 15, 2018 Aaaaahh ...., täitsa uskumatu kuidas UK-s ja Eestis nii erinevalt veipimisse suhtutakse poliitilisel tasandil. Meil väänatakse rämedad aktsiisid peale aga UK-s soovitatakse suitsetajatel veipimisele üle minna. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites